Good Morning, Lord

My Story

God tells us that the first and greatest commandment is to LOVE. First, to love God. And also, to love others. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) This is my heart’s desire. I want to live like this always! The Lord is my HOPE. He is the anchor for my soul. He is the air in my lungs. His love is written into my DNA…not for me to keep to myself, but to give it away – back to Him and out to others. It took me a lifetime of joys and sorrows, trials and successes, fear and trust, births and deaths, to discover my faith in God. And I’m still figuring out what it means and how to live in response to His great love.

Mine is a journey of one ordinary girl born in 1955, in Southern California, into a pastor’s family, the second eldest of five children. My young life was surrounded by family and loving parents dedicated to each other and to their family. I grew up in community, always at church, always hearing about God and of His great love for people. My dad prayed with us, taught us about God and His handiwork, always pointing us to the greatness of our God. My mom stayed at home to raise the family and she was always there, creating for us a haven of comfort and security.

We were encouraged to think for ourselves and to be curious. And I listened! Growing into my own person, I became a free thinker as I entered my age of reasoning. I never doubted God’s love for me, but during high school I became interested in other things. I lost interest in things of God, and a distance grew between us. I still went to church. After all, dad was the pastor so I had to go…more out of duty than desire.

After Phil and I were married, we started going to church. And in 1982, through a Bible study on the book of Acts, I experienced a spiritual awakening. My heart opened up and the Holy Spirit came flooding into me. I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior, and my life began a new journey – in Christ. It was as if God breathed new life into my lungs. I became hungry for His Word and a community with which to share my new life. I took every Bible study I could get my hands on. I listened to radio ministries and tapes of Bible studies from different pastors and teachers. I was like a sponge, soaking up as much as I could from God’s Word. The presence of God in my ordinary life became intense and palpable. I realized His love for me like never before!

I began to journal prayers to the Lord and that became my “spiritual M.O.” My heart…written down…so I wouldn’t forget, and so I could go back and reflect. The years that followed my spiritual awakening are what I call “LIFE”. Life…happened. And with every day, every year, growth…also happened. Life has a funny way of doing that…making us grow. God has used every one of my life circumstances to shape me, chasten me, teach me, fill me, empty me…to draw me closer to Him. Each life event has brought me to a place of surrender, of trust, of hope and ultimately, to a deeper faith in my Lord. Has it been easy? No! Sometimes I went down kicking and screaming…crying out, “Why?” or “When?” or “How?”

Getting your heart transformed is not easy. In fact, the Bible tells us it won’t be easy. But isn’t that the point? The way of transformation is…surrender…death to self…in order to become new…alive in Christ! Understanding this mystery came to me only through spiritual growth…moving through the trials of my ordinary life…and clinging to the promises of a God who I knew loved me.

God’s Word is LIFE to me. I have come to know Him intimately through His Word…His character, His mercy, His patience, His promises, His covenants, His sacrifice, His presence, His plan for my life and His love for us all. It’s all written down for us to see and hear. Like my own journals are MY heart, God’s Word is HIS heart.

Today God is using me as His vessel to minister to others. All that growth has created in me a profound faith and trust in God. My love for the Lord is deep and wide and needs to be shared. He is calling me out into a greater ministry of loving and serving others. I know it in my soul. I feel His hand drawing me, calling me to something more. I am not sure how, what, when or where – but I know He has a plan. And I am willing. So, the rest of the story is yet to unfold. My hands are open. My heart is open. I trust Him completely – in life, and even unto death.

Welcome to the journal of an ordinary life. I am praying for you as you follow your own path in life. May you know love and give love along the way!

