Lift Up Your Eyes!

Lift Up Your Eyes!

Have you ever had a period of “weariness,” when the things of life just took over, and one day you “woke up” in a heap of exhausted flesh and bone, and just couldn’t go on? Of course you have. You’re human!

I woke up this morning in such a heap. I’m a working girl, and my work has been unusually consuming. I work under the weight of perpetual deadlines, and there have been many this year. Any “spare” moments are fewer and farther apart. I sleep….and I work…at least that’s how it feels right now. My house is a disaster, laundry is in mounds, the kitchen sink is a revolving pile of dishes, and my car hasn’t been washed in a month.

Are you feeling sorry for me yet? Lord, I hope not! My burdens are nothing compared to what some of you are bearing right now. But isn’t that how it goes? When it’s YOUR life, it affects YOU! And so, the natural response is to feel it, dwell on it, even get depressed about it. We’re human.

In my lamenting to the Lord this morning (more like whining), I heard Him say to my soul, “Stop Cheryl! We all have crosses we bear! This is a temporary cross you are carrying for awhile. For a short season. Stop focusing on your circumstances. Focus on ME. I am your strength in the night. I will give you your daily bread and sustenance. Stop looking at the ground around you. Lift up your eyes and look to me. I am your way through this short season of weariness. I will renew and refresh you for another season of goodness as I always do. I have prepared for you a way to see – and navigate through – this challenging time. Keep your eyes on me and I will be your helper. Lean on me. My strength won’t leave you and I won’t let you fall. Stay close here in prayer. Stay your heart on mine. My peace I will give you in abundance.”

So, I did just that. I stopped. In my tracks. I went to His Word and poured over some familiar verses. And you know what happened? I found His peace and strength begin to fan a fresh wind into my weariness:

ISAIAH 41:10

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you; I will help you;

I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.

1 CHRONICLES 16:10-11

Honor his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

PSALM 121:1-3

I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber.

Though nothing changed in my circumstance, my heart changed from an inward-focus to an upward-focus. My thoughts became a prayer of gratitude for what is good in my life. By His Word, He transformed my perspective from self-pity to thanksgiving. God is so good!

Dear Lord – thank you for reminding me through your Word, who you are, and who I am. You are the maker of all things and lover of all souls. I am your beloved child. You hold all the seasons of my life in your caring hands. Give me your strength to press into my circumstances as we journey together through this valley, and out to the other side. Thank you, precious Savior. AMEN.




  1. Becky

    This is the best advice that you have shared. As long as we stay focused on our God and his strength that he gives us we can overcome anything in life.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Deacon John

    Yes, life can be a burden, but, God is Always at our side waiting to comfort and love us. I find when I am in those desperate lonely moments, just as you, I go to His Words that have so much promise. I am in my 4th week of the Prayer of Jabez, and am so blessed in the opportunities He has presented to speak to those that are searching. God is waiting for us to look to Him. As I spoke to someone the other day, ” Let Him love you”.

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