Let Your Light Shine

Let Your Light Shine

Good morning, Lord. Thank you for this new day, full of hope and waiting. Waiting for your hand to move upon my life. Waiting for this day to unfold. My calendar is full as usual – work, deadlines, meetings, phone calls with busy people who like me, have requests needing to be met. I am learning to surrender each day to you God, knowing that I am NOT in control of my circumstances. EVERY day is a gift from you, so I give this day back to you as an offering. Help me to live each day for YOU – as a testimony of what you have done.

I pray as Jabez did – “Father, bless me indeed!” But as I say these words, I truly do mean “So that I can be a blessing to others in your Name.” You are shaping my faith in confidence and boldness. I can see it by the opportunities and the people you are placing in front of me. Help me not to miss any opportunity you present, O God! Help me to be awake, alert, and available for the assignments you have planned for me. Make the way clear. Equip me to do the work, Lord.

You tell each one of us: “You are the light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden and no one lights a lamp and puts it under a clay pot. Instead, it is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

Father, I pray your light shines through me, out to others so that they would know they are loved. May my words and my actions speak boldly of your love. I pray for each person I encounter today, that you will bless them and meet their need for healing, restoration, comfort, strength, peace, wisdom, whatever – according to your will. I pray their hearts and minds open to you God, that they will sense your presence and experience your mercy and your love. I pray each soul will seek first your kingdom and your righteousness and find faith and transformation through the power of your Spirit.

Help me to seek first your kingdom and your righteousness, so that all the things YOU desire to add to me will be given, received, and used for your glory. And not for me, God. Not for my benefit. Not for my glory. Not for me, Father…but for your beloved…for anyone whose path crosses mine today.

“Dear friends, God is good! So, I beg you to offer your bodies to Him as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing. That’s the most sensible way to serve God.” (Romans 12:1)

Indeed, this prayer was on my heart this morning. But oh beloved, this prayer is not just for me. This prayer is for you too! We are all called in the same way to be bold for Christ and to share the Good News with the people we meet! I am praying for you and for me…that we may be a living sacrifice to God in word and in deed. Whatever that means to you and however God’s plan unfolds in your life. This journey of faith is stretching, daring, even a bit scary! But I promise God is faithful and He will make the path ahead clear and straight for you. And He will always be with you along the way.


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