In God We Trust

In God We Trust

Just the word “pandemic” instills fear in the human soul. We’ve seen movies, read books and watched TV shows about stories of global catastrophes, impressing in our minds visions of horrors we can’t “unsee”. Today all we need to do is watch the news, with its 24/7 coverage of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic.

This is real life though…it’s not fiction. Its reach has impacted every continent, every culture, every race, everyone. In North America, we are still in the beginning stages of the “pandemic bell curve.” We’ve seen other nations experience seemingly worse case scenarios. Ours is still unfolding and all we know is what is unknown. So we are afraid…naturally.

We know that fear affects every aspect of our self – mental, emotional, spiritual, even physical. To encourage healthy behaviors while we practice “social distancing”, experts are saying we should limit our media intake, stay busy, and do things that bring us pleasure. These are all good things to practice, but they are also just our view inside a 3’ radius.

God’s Word shows us a more expansive view, with a greater prize – inner peace – His perfect peace.

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You,

All whose thoughts are fixed on You!

Isaiah 26:3

Fixing our thoughts on the Creator of the universe moves us out of our 3’ radius. It changes our perspective from ‘earthly’ to ‘heavenly’, beyond time and distance. God’s plan for you and me in this pandemic is not to live in fear, but to live in His peace. Peace in the midst of and in spite of the storm. Waves are crashing around us, but the Calmer of the sea is still in control! We can trust Him no matter what we see or hear! God’s Word is full of promises meant for you and me in every season of life and in every circumstance.

“Peace I leave with you.

My peace I give to you.

Not as the world gives do I give to you.

Let not your hearts be troubled,

Neither let them be afraid.”

John 14:27

Beloved, let’s be prudent with the things of this world which we are to do – follow the CDC guidelines and do our best to protect ourselves, our families, and those who we are purposed to help. The small radius of our circle is important. But also let’s set our minds on the things above…listen to the Spirit of God speaking through His Word. What is He saying to you in this uncertain time?

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.

In God, whose word I praise,

In God I trust; I shall not be afraid.

What can flesh do to me?

Psalm 56:3-4

I want to encourage you to read His Word every day (I recommend the Psalms). I am confident you will find peace and healing and strength and hope to endure the storm. And this storm WILL end. He knows the length of days and the ending of this pandemic. Trust in Him as you persevere.

Dear God – It’s hard not to be afraid because of what’s going on in the world. Help me to have faith that you are working in all things for our good. I pray for healing for everyone suffering from this disease and for all who have lost loved ones. I pray for your peace to replace all fear. In Jesus’ name – Amen.


  1. Savannah Abbott

    You inspire me to find peace in the chaos of what’s happening right now. I know that we are in the storm, but having peace will keep the storm out of us! Thank you for all you do!!

  2. Shelley Bunger

    “What is He saying to you in this uncertain time?” really spoke to me as I read your post. I caught myself earlier this week panicking a bit about whether we have enough food. I was about to run out to the store when I heard Him say to me, “No, you don’t need to go. You have enough. Leave it for those who don’t.”

    “Be still and know that I am God” is what we’re remembering and living out of these days. It lines right up with what you’ve written here. Thank you for the reminder and the encouragement today!

    May each of us be a blessing to someone else today. Use us, Lord, that the world would see You in us and through us.

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