God of Creation

God of Creation

We have some pretty amazing sunsets in Arizona. Every color of the rainbow can often be seen, especially when there are clouds on the horizon. Bright oranges, yellows, pinks and purples dance across the desert blue skies. It’s breathtaking — and you just want to pause and savor the moment, for the beauty passes quickly. At dusk the colors go mute, then the sky fades gradually to a colorless inky black.

The beauty of nature captures my attention and awe. And when I can be still…truly still…present in the moment…I can hear her sing praises to the God of all creation. Nature worships her Creator effortlessly, naturally, completely. The bird doesn’t think about singing. It just sings. It was created to sing, and it lives into its purpose…to sing. The ocean roars with power and purpose, in obedience to gravity, the very authority of our Creator God. The waves move in…and away from…the shore…by the very breath of God. What amazing grace!

How I wish I would respond to God as easily as nature does! For humankind, the will gets in the way of effortless worship. I know God is worthy of my worship. I believe…I have faith…I trust in Him…I love Him. But I have free will…choice…options. I can choose to praise God, or I can choose to watch TV. I can sing a worship hymn, or I can rock it to a 70’s jam band. I can do whatever I want. Free will is both a blessing and a curse, if you ask me.

I want…I desire…to choose God’s design for me, over my own designs. But it’s not easy. If I were a blade of grass, I would just follow the sun. Having choice means I must choose my way or God’s way. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I want to give Him glory as I live my life in His presence. But I don’t always choose to do so. Sometimes I forget…sometimes I just get lazy.

If nature can so easily sing His praises, then that’s what I want to do! Can I humble myself…get out of the way…get over my ego…and just respond to God as easily as nature does?

Sing a new song to the LORD!

Sing to the LORD, all the world!

Sing to the LORD and praise him!

Proclaim every day the good news that he has saved us.

Proclaim his glory to the nations, his mighty deeds to all peoples.

The LORD is great and is to be highly praised.

Praise the LORD, all people on earth!

Be glad, earth and sky!

Roar, sea, and every creature in you!

Be glad, fields, and everything in you!

(from Psalm 96)

P.S. This has become one of my favorite songs. It speaks profoundly of God’s love and mercy for all  of nature and humankind. Listen with a heart of surrender to our Creator God. You will be blessed, I promise! PEACE…