Category: <span>General</span>

A Just Man

It’s early Christmas Eve morning, and I’m done…shopping…and wrapping. Done…gifting to my sweet neighbors. Done…gifting to my dear friends. Done. Done. Done…I’m certain this is a first. Typically, I am rushing around for last minute somethings. Not this year. I’m actually done early. So here I sit in front of …

Holy! Holy! Holy!

I woke up early this morning with a song on my mind…“Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee…” Growing up Methodist we sang good old classic hymns every Sunday, and I loved them all! “Holy, Holy, Holy!” is at the top …

Jesus is the Reason

Christmas. Shopping. Music. Lights. Crowds. Traffic. Parties. Baking. Eating…lots of eating! Few of us can escape the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Holiday season. Many of us have come to accept the annual craziness that precedes Christmas Day. Maybe, we even (secretly) enjoy it! I confess that I do! …

A Christmas Prayer

Good morning, Lord. Thank you for the hope that every Christmas season brings. People who don’t even believe in you celebrate in some way. How many people go to a Christmas Eve service, who never step foot in a church any other day of the year? The hope of Christmas …