Good Morning, Lord


When I was a young girl, I had a pink diary with a lock and key, that read “Dear Diary” in cursive letters on the front cover. Today it’s just a small heap of ashes in a landfill in California, but something about writing down my thoughts resonated with me, even as a child. Years later, I reconnected with that activity, and discovered my language of the heart through journaling. I now have dozens of journals where I’ve captured my personal stories, life events, prayers and mindless meanderings along the way. Mostly, they were for my eyes only. But on occasion, I shared a word with family or friends. My sister Donna asked me recently, if I’d ever thought about sharing my journal publicly. I hadn’t, of course. But the thought kept gnawing at me. Could I…share my heart…publicly…no lock and key?

After much prayer and journaling, was born. As you get a glimpse of me through my blog, you will find that I am a woman of deep faith. The journey hasn’t been easy, but it has been blessed. The inspiration for the name of this website is my lifelong, life-sustaining Scripture verse, Romans 8:28, which reminds me every time I read it, that “God works all things together for good, for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose.”

For me, this rings out HOPE on so many levels…

  • We have the assurance that God is Sovereign over all things.
  • He desires good for us and He has the power to work good in us.
  • He blesses those who love Him.
  • This is a personal relationship between God and man, Creator and created, Lover and beloved.
  • It speaks of trusting in God – to work in our lives for our good, no matter what happens to us.

Through the many trials and joys along this journey, I have learned that everything does eventually work out for good. It often didn’t make a lick of sense to me at the time, but in retrospect, I always found that God did work out all things together for my ultimate good, painful as the journey may have been. The journey has shaped me into who I am today. It is by the grace of God that I am still standing. But I am truly thankful for it all!

The lessons learned over the years have deepened my faith and increased my confidence in God’s provision – in all things. It is in that spirit of utter dependence on God that this blog was conceived. How have I found strength for the journey? By seeking after, and trusting in, the One who created me and breathed new life into me at the very beginning of my journey!

On most days my journal begins with “Good Morning, Lord”, which is why i picked that for the title of my online journal. The purpose of this blog is simple…to offer some encouragement to you in your journey – by sharing some insights from my own journey. And in the process, to bring glory to God – in all things.

For strength in the journey,
