A Just Man

A Just Man

It’s early Christmas Eve morning, and I’m done…shopping…and wrapping. Done…gifting to my sweet neighbors. Done…gifting to my dear friends. Done. Done. Done…I’m certain this is a first. Typically, I am rushing around for last minute somethings. Not this year. I’m actually done early. So here I sit in front of my little fire crackling away in the fireplace, and my lovely little Christmas tree decorated with sparkly mini-lights and a lifetime of memories in the form of dangling balls and clusters of handmade ornaments. I am at peace. Thank you, Lord for this moment of pure…rest.

Last night I watched a Christmas movie (one of those sappy Hallmark movies we all hate to love) about a troubled teenage girl whose dad went A.W.O.L. years ago and who was raised by her single mom with breast cancer. Can you imagine the turmoil this poor child lived in every day of her innocent life? Long story short, this distraught teen overdosed on drugs, went into a coma and nearly died. Thankfully, she survived and eventually went in search of her absent father. She found him…in a state of disarray…and the reunion was in perfect timing with the will of God, and the two reconnected. Dad was lost. Daughter was lost. Family was lost. But when they found each other, hope entered the picture. The rest of the story was…well…nice. Happy endings we all love to watch.

It made me think of my dad. How blessed I am to have had a good dad. Many of my friends were not so lucky. Fathers are crucial to the survival of their family. That’s a lot of pressure on dads, I know. But it seems to me that God designed dad’s to be crucial to the survival of their family. Dads are important. Dads have a vital role in bringing strength and stability to the home. My friends whose dads were absent had a harder time with everything, from self-confidence to security, and everything in between.

God the Father knew this when he affirmed Joseph as the father of His only begotten Son. What an awesome responsibility Joseph had to raise up the Son of God! Can you men imagine being responsible for a child who you knew was not your own but who you knew was conceived in your bride’s womb by the Holy Spirit of God Himself? Unimaginable! That’s surely why God sent His angel to affirm Joseph of what was to come.

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken to the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with Us). When Joseph woke from his sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus. (Matthew 1:18-25)

God knew Joseph was a just man. A good man. A man who would do right by the young woman He had chosen to bear His only begotten Son. Mary, the mother of GOD. Joseph, the father…the man who would raise Jesus. This humble carpenter of modest means was chosen by God to teach His Son the ways of man. Joseph was crucial to the survival of his family. Joseph had a vital role in bringing strength and stability to the home in which he would raise the Son of God! Wow!

As we enter the Christmas season and celebrate the birth of our Savior, say a prayer for the fathers. Pray for each father you know – that he will be a just man, a man of God…like Joseph…who will teach his children the ways of God. Say a prayer for the children who have no father – that they will find grace and healing in the Father of fathers. And today let’s thank God our heavenly Father for His great love and mercy…for the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born this day, to save us all from our own sinful nature, to eternal life in Him. Praise God! And together with the angels and all of heaven we say, “Hallelujah!”

Have a blessed Christmas!




  1. John Null

    As I wrote in my journal today, (Cheryl, your commitment to communicating with God this way has re-started this for me) I reflected on His gift of Paradise in the beginning and our first parents got that off track. BUT, the good news is we have a God of many chances, so we are thankful for the greatest gift, His Son, our Savior. Happy Birthday Jesus, may you be in our hearts ALL year.

  2. Dana

    Cheryl, Thank you for your thoughts on farther hood. It came at a time as you will know that my farther has passed. I realize more and more every day how much his prescience is missed. He was a very young farther and did not have a good role model in his young life However, he Loved and provided for his God given family. I believe fathers are a true gift from or heavenly farther . Thank you for your sharing. Dana

  3. Joseph Bynum

    Hi Cheryl, it’s a blessing that God allowed us to cross paths. I always knew that you were a gifted young woman from God. It doesn’t amazing how you surrender your life to Christ Jesus and he’s getting the glory. You are spreading the good news about Christ how he used your father and mother to be the example for you godly parents.

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