A Heart for God

A Heart for God

I woke up this morning with a song playing in my mind. I haven’t heard it in a very long time, so recalling it today must have been a gift. Thank you, Lord! The song, “Lead Me to the Rock”, by Hosanna! Music, is an oldie but goodie. I think I had every cassette tape Hosanna! Music ever recorded. That was back in the 80’s, and those were the early days of my spiritual journey with the Lord. Praise music became the inspiration for my prayer time. Sitting at my dining room table, I would open my Bible and my journal…insert the cassette into my stereo…press play…close my eyes…listen…and pray. Oh, that takes me back to the days of my first love, when I discovered my heart belonged to Jesus!

David was also a man whose heart belonged to God. We can hear it in Psalm 61, the inspiration for my morning song:

Hear my cry, God. Listen to my prayer.

From the end of the earth, I will call to you, when my heart is overwhelmed.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

For you have been a refuge for me, a strong tower from the enemy.

I will dwell in your tent forever.

I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings. Selah.

For you, God, have heard my vows.

You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

You will prolong the king’s life; his years shall be for generations.

He shall be enthroned in God’s presence forever.

Appoint your lovingkindness and truth, that they may preserve him.

So, I will sing praise to your name forever, that I may fulfill my vows day after day.

Short, honest and pure are these words from the heart of a king. This Psalm and others like it from David, is evidence that he was indeed “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). Even as king, David sought the Lord’s direction, protection, forgiveness and mercy. Far from a perfect king or husband or father, he did believe in and trust in Yahweh, the one true God.

I can only imagine the burdens a king must bear. David speaks often in the Psalms of the weight of his title and all that comes with it. Here in the 61st Psalm, his burden has overwhelmed him. He seems to be at the end of his rope as he cries out to God. The relationship between this earthly king and his God is familiar, even intimate. David cries out to his Lord as a son cries out to his father. You can hear his deep need. And yet David begins his prayer first by acknowledging WHO God is to him. See how David refers to the character of his Lord! It’s as if he’s saying – God, you are…

My Rock

My Security

My Strength

My Home

My Protection

Then from a cry for help, David shifts to a stance of praise! He is keenly aware of the tie between prayer and praise – that they are knit together in this God-Man relationship of love. It’s like a dance of hearts bound as one – God’s love reaching into man’s heart…and man’s heart transformed by God’s love. David’s step of faith, hope and surrender – God’s response of provision, security and peace. David seems to live in this dance of dependence, in sync with the Father’s heart. For David, God is ever-present. Not far away or out of reach. Deeply intimate.

Oh, how I desire that kind of intimacy with God! In endless communication. Utter dependence. Solely trusting. Absolute faith. No doubt. Wow! What would that look like I wonder, to live like David, in sync with the Father’s heart?


  1. Kathy Coombs

    As I am sitting here, having read your post and now listening to the song for a 3rd time, all I can say is Thank-You! The dawn is just breaking in anticipation of another beautiful sunrise that will soon happen – another beautiful gift from God – and I am reminded how He is our Rock…. Then, as the song is still playing, I open up my Devotional ‘Jesus Always’ by Sarah Young, and in the opening paragraph for today –“In a world that seems increasingly unsafe and unpredictable, I Am the Rock that provides a firm foundation for your life…. (Ps 18:2) — A double blessing today! Thank-You, Cheryl

  2. Kathy Coombs

    Having read your post and now listening to the song for a 3rd time, all I can say is Thank-You! The dawn is just breaking in anticipation of another beautiful sunrise that will soon happen – another beautiful gift from God – I am reminded how He is our Rock…. Then, as the song is still playing, I open ‘Jesus Always’ by Sarah Young, and in the opening paragraph for today –“In a world that seems increasingly unsafe and unpredictable, I Am the Rock that provides a firm foundation for your life…. (Ps 18:2) — A double blessing today! Thank-You, Cheryl

  3. Dana

    Hi Cheryl, again thank you for sharing. I to have moments when a song will stick in my mind for awhile, then the Lord changes the channel on me. This week I heard a new song. It is call ONE PAIR OF HANDS. When I heard it for the first time I got goose bumps and I cried. I can’t be leave how music can truly be a message from above. he works in mysterious ways.

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